The "More Milk" Blog Entry
I've received many requests for our breast milk jewelry from mothers whose breast milk supply is less than stellar. Even though we only require a very small amount of breast milk to make a piece of jewelry (2 TBSP or 30 mL), I've decided to write a few tips for increasing breast milk supply. This not only helps moms get the needed amount for a piece of jewelry, it allows them to better feed their precious babies, and that is very special and very important! :)
Hydration is key for enhancing and maintaining milk supply. Be sure you're getting an adequate amount of water each day. Usually 3-4 Liters of water per day is sufficient for lactating women. If you live in a dryer climate, aim for the higher number. To keep up with water intake, use a large glass and try to drink a certain number of full glasses (depending on the size of the glass, of course) each day.
Lactogenic Foods:
Certain foods cause a milk-increasing effect. Below is a table I've compiled to help you:
& Spices:
be sure to clear these with your healthcare provider. Some of these
herbs, spices, and foods may be contraindicated if you are taking
prescription medication or have certain conditions. If you have an
allergy to anything listed above or develop allergies to anything
listed above, please do not use that particular food or herb. Be sure
to observe your baby for allergies, as well.
Proper Nutrition:
Proper Nutrition:
To keep your supply up, you need to eat 300-500 extra calories per day (compared to pre-pregnancy). Since many toxins can be stored and released in fats, it is usually not recommended that one diets while breastfeeding either. Breast milk does contain a certain amount of fat, and any toxins that would be released when dieting might end up in the breast milk you feed your baby. As always, consult your health care provider when considering dieting or starting an exercise program.
Make sure you're getting good, whole foods that provide you with plenty of healthy fats (omega 3s and omega 6s), as well as lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Eating healthily is absolutely essential to maintaining milk supply. It is recommended that lactating women get as much as 71 grams of protein a day. It's a tall order, but it's important to maintaining a good supply. In addition, lactating women require 1300 mg of calcium per day, at least 9 mg of iron per day, and 120 mg per day vitamin C.
Nipple Stimulation:
When your baby is hungry, he or she cries and wants to suck. This is a reflex, a primal instinct indicating hunger. Instead of soothing your baby with a pacifier, consider soothing with the breast, even if you think your breast is "too empty." Nipple stimulation from your baby suckling will help to let your body know that your baby is hungry and thus will help to signal your body to produce more milk. Many women notice a decline in breast milk when a pacifier is introduced. I'm not suggesting that you forego the pacifier altogether (especially if it's good for your sanity!), but if you're having supply issues and would like to continue breast feeding for a longer period of time, it may be best to use the pacifier less when soothing.
Length of Feeding:
It is always best to let your baby be the one to decide when to stop feeding. Cutting a feeding session short might impact your supply by letting your body adjust to shorter feeds. Your baby should feed for as long as possible, and may feed from one or both breasts during a feeding.
Feeding On-Demand:
When breast feeding, studies show that feeding on-demand rather than scheduling feeding is better for maintaining supply and helping your baby to increase and maintain proper body weight.
It should be noted that breastfed babies often appear hungrier than their formula-fed counterparts due to the ease at which breast milk breaks down in a breastfed child's digestive system. Breastfed babies need to eat more often, because their bodies are more efficient at breaking down breast milk protein. In other words, your milk was made for your baby! :)
Baby Wearing:
Wearing your baby has been shown to increase oxytocin; an increase in oxytocin, the bonding hormone, has been shown to increase prolactin, the hormone responsible for increasing milk supply. The more you hold and wear your baby, the better your supply will be.
According to Dr. McKenna, the world's leading authority on mother-infant co-sleeping, sleeping with your infant can increase your milk supply and make night feedings much simpler. In addition to the benefit of increased milk supply, co-sleeping (when properly performed) may decreased the incidence of SIDS. Be sure to research co-sleeping and observe safe co-sleeping practices.
Your Health:
Along with all of these other tips, it is very important that you maintain your own health throughout the length of your breastfeeding. Certain actions and conditions can affect your breast milk supply. A few include hypothyroidism, anemia, smoking, PCOS, and other hormonal imbalances. If you're having supply issues, get a check up with your healthcare provider to be sure you're in tip-top shape. It's important!
As with any information about nutrition and health, seek out your health care provider's advice.
I hope you've enjoyed this short list, and I do hope it helps! Happy breastfeeding!